The Dowry and Tea Ceremony
- The dowry is presented to the bride and her family. Once the family accepts this formal offer of matrimony, the couple partake in a tea ceremony in which the bride and groom offer tea to the family ancestors. The bride greets the groom in a casual, brightly colored dress traditionally in blues or purples. The bright colors represent am offering of a prosperous life. The wedding dress that the bride wears is referred to as a kahen and the sash she wears around the kahen is called the sbaay.
Hair-Cutting Ceremony
- Preparing for a married life together, the couple has a hair-cutting ceremony symbolizing a fresh start. The bride wears a gold and silver kahen embroidered with sequins and jewels. The groom wears a gold and silver loose-fitting silk shirt and pants. The gold and silver represent the gold and silver wedding bands they will wear when married.
Pairing Ceremony
- The pairing ceremony is the final stage of the wedding. The bride and groom are dressed like royalty. Out of all the outfits of the day, these will be the most exquisite. The bride's kahen is red and gold like that of royalty and the sbaay is heavily embellished with jewels. The groom wears a coordinated red and gold silk shirt and pants; his outfit is just as heavily embellished as the bride's. The guests tie strings around the right wrists of the bride and groom and say blessings for their happiness and good health.